Becoming a .ASIA
Registrar [ pdf |
Before you can start selling .ASIA domains, you must be
accredited by ICANN for .ASIA, and complete our accreditation process.
This document explains on how a registrar becomes eligible to start
operation with the production environment of the .ASIA registry.
Our accreditation
documents are developed in A4 size, and available in both PDF and
fillable DOC formats, please scale to print on Letter size paper if
necessary. |
Accreditation for .ASIA |
- If you are not already an ICANN Accredited Registrar,
please refer to:
- If you are an ICANN Accredited Registrar, please
execute the .ASIA Appendix to ICANN RAA (Registrar Accreditation
Agreement) [ doc | pdf ]and return to ICANN.
- Be sure to replace [Registrar] with the applicant
registrar’s name (both at the beginning and at the end just
before the signatures)
- Submit two originally executed agreements (i.e. two
copies) to:
ICANN, Attn: Registrar Accreditation
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330, Marina del Rey, CA
90292, US
- Note: Registrars must be in good standing with
ICANN before their appendix request will be approved
Step 1 --
Initial Process
- Submit 2 original Confidentiality
Agreement [ doc
| pdf
], duly signed by your organization's authorized person(s).
- Submit an original completed and signed .ASIA
Registrar Data Form [ doc |
- Submit a completed and signed .ASIA
Facsimile Authorization Form [ doc |
] (to enable us to accept faxes from you as
Step 2 -- Business
and Legal Process
- Submit a copy of your organization's formation
document (e.g. Certificate of Incorporation).
- Submit 2 original .ASIA
Registry-Registrar Agreement [ doc |
pdf ], duly signed by your organization's authorized
- Submit a completed .ASIA Registrar
Financial Information Form [ doc |
- Optionally, a completed .ASIA
Registrar Authorization Form [ doc |
], if you wish to authorize other persons in your
organization to represent you in all dealings with DotAsia.
Step 3 -- Technical
Process, OT&E
- Complete the OT&E technical certification
( Registrar Tool Kit -- RTK: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=26675)
- If you already connect to our Registry Services
(Afilias) for other TLDs, such as for .INFO, .ORG, .IN etc., general
OT&E test will not be required.
- A short OT&E test specifically for the .ASIA
Registry EPP extensions (for Charter
Eligibility Declarations and Sunrise provisioning) however should be
Step 4 -- In
Agreement with Registrants
- Registrars are advised that compliance with the .ASIA
Registry-Registrar Agreement (RRA) would involve reviewing and amending
their existing Registration Agreements with the Registrant. The onus of
ensuring compliance with the RRA remains on Registrars.
- To assist you in meeting the requirements of the RRA,
we have provided you with a set of sample clauses covering those
provisions required for compliance. While these sample clauses are
provided for reference only, they are not legal advice from DotAsia
Organisation about how to meet your obligations under the RRA. You
should obtain independent legal advice in order to ensure that all of
your obligations under the RRA are met.
- Throughout the term of the RRA, DotAsia Organisation
reserves the right to request a copy of the Registration Agreement from
you in order to check for compliance with the RRA.
Please mail all Step 1 and Step 2 documents to:
DotAsia Organisation Limited
c/o Afilias USA Inc.
Registrar Relations
Building 3, Suite 105
300 Welsh Road
Horsham, PA
19044 US
For queries regarding accreditation and to check your accreditation status, please contact:
Registrar Relations
Tel: +1 877.711.ASIA (2742)
/ +1 267.781.7299
Fax: +1 215.706.5701
Email: accreditation@dotasia.org